About GemChem
GemChem engages our customers to identify their service needs and understand their business challenges by developing partnerships that are built on knowledge and trust. This enables us to offer the most effective solutions to our clients, which in turn allows for peace of mind with Environmental Compliance.
EPA ID# PAD009439662
GemChem is a PADEP Approved Hazardous Waste 10-Day In-Transit Storage Facility
Residual Waste Processing Facility (Permit# 300983)
PA Dept of General Services Certified Small Business (Certificate # 127018-2015-06-SB)
Hazardous Materials Certificate (Company ID# 27676)
PA Hazardous Waste Transporter License # PA-AH0259
PA Residual Waste Transporter License # WH0152
DE Solid Waste Transporter (Permit # DE-SW-0983)
DE Hazardous Waste Transporter (Permit # DE-HW-0503)
MD Controlled Substance Hauler (CHS Hauler #HWH 572)
United Carrier Registration (USDOT# 329728)

Larry Gemmell was working in the petroleum fuels distribution business in the late 1970s to early 1980s when the EPA regulations were quickly changing to require companies to properly dispose of hazardous and residual waste. During his time in the petroleum fuels distribution industry, many of their customers were inquiring as to where & how they can properly comply with these new environmental regulations. Larry saw an opportunity and had an idea of starting a company to assist these companies with complying with environmental regulations. In 1980, GemChem was founded by Larry Gemmell. He began the business as a one-man operation then incorporated in 1985, acquired a building in Lititz, PA (which is still one of our buildings today), hired employees and obtained the necessary permits from EPA/PADEP to operate. The rest is history… GemChem, Inc. has since grown to a company that services over 300+ customers in (5) different states. Larry Gemmell passed away in October of 2014 and is missed by many people but his dream and legacy live on in our company.
Certified Member of the PA COSTARS Program
COSTARS is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s cooperative purchasing program, COSTARS members are able to leverage contracts established by DGS to identify the best suppliers based on quality and value.
The goals of this program are:
- Achieve procurement savings and best value for COSTARS Members
- Provide increased opportunities for Suppliers of any size to participate and compete for Members’ business
- Develop a system that provides contracts with competitive pricing
5 Year Contract with the State of Pennsylvania
Contract Number: 4400015208
The purpose of this Hazardous/Residual Waste Collection and Disposal Services Invitation to Qualify (ITQ) is to qualify responsible and responsive contractors to pick up, transport, and dispose of hazardous/residual waste generated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Using Agencies. This contract will not include municipal waste collection.